Thursday, 11 February 2016

Room 11 promises to be...

Room 11's Class treaty!! We talked about all the ways we wanted our classroom to be. We talked about what a treaty is and what it means to sign your name. Each bee is signed with our names as we promise to be all of these things...


  1. Hi Room 11, I love how you have displayed your class Treaty and promises! I love how you have incorporated to make your hands into a flower for the bees to flourish! I look forward to you all bee-ing the bee-st you can be-e!

  2. You have made lots of wonderful promises for this year and your class promise wall looks very beautiful! Well done Room 11.

  3. I am sure that you will all keep your promises!

  4. I love the flower you have created. We also have the same quote up in room 6. Great minds think alike room 11!

  5. What a lovely class! Great to see what you have been working on together!


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