Friday, 13 May 2016

Room 11 and Room 1 Running Man Challenge

The challenge is here! Sunnyhills School do you accept?


  1. Hi Room 11, I thought you did an amazing "running man". Did you watch the NZ Police man Sonny, do his dance first so you knew what to do? Keep up the great dancing. You look great.

  2. Well done Room 11! I love that you have accepted the #runningman challenge. You did a great job!

  3. That was great rooms 11 and 1.... You did a fabulous running man video!!!
    I hope other classes take up the challenge... Well done.

  4. Fantastic job Room 11! I may have to try this in Room 13!!!

  5. How cool are you all Room 11, I loved your dance moves. I wonder if any other classes will take up the #runningman challenge.

  6. Wow Room 11 and Room 1, that looked like a lot of fun! Great work doing the #runningman challenge! What challenge will you do next?

  7. Nice moves Room 1 and Room 11. Can wait to see your teacher's moves too!

  8. Room 11, what a great video!


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